Hello ! I'm Sybille Clemente, graphic designer.
Adventurer in the field of print, web and interactive design, it is with passion that I realize artistic and communication projects, individual or collective, exploring the tracks with an open and methodical spirit.


2019 Franco-Polish double master

Master's degree (DNSEP) option graphic design and multimedia at École supérieure d’art et de design des Pyrénées – Pau Tarbes.

Master's degree graphic and multimedia design at Pedagocial University of Krakow in Poland. Erasmus of 5 months.

2016 Bachelor's degree (DNAP) option graphic and multimedia design at École supérieure d’art et de design des Pyrénées – Pau Tarbes.

2012 Vocational baccalauréat sales assistant of garden products at LPA Adriana, Tarbes.

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06 78 33 07 53